Saturday, April 24, 2010

song 84 - save tonight

Eagle Eye Cherry...I always just really liked that name...hahahahaha. I have always loved this song, it's just something about the feeling of importance in the moment. I think that often in our lives, we don't truly take time and thank God for what we are experiencing. We might thank him down the road, but very rarely at that very moment...whatever it is that happens! This is something that I have been trying to focus more and more on in my life...falling to my knees (sometimes literally) and thanking God for what is happening...good or bad. I have also come to realize that it normally means that we pretty much always experience a little bit of both...and God is just trying to grow us. Oh, by the way, enjoy the song!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

song 85 - got to get you into my life

Okay...what countdown is not complete without a Beatles song? The answer is none...and my favorite is probably not one that many people know, but it's my favorite. Number One...Paul sings it. Number has horns. Lastly...I just love the passion in the lyrics, something about that just makes me connect to it on a personal level. Sorry for not finding a Beatles video...Wings will just have to do...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

song 86 - mrs. jones

Here is another of one of my favorite "mainstream" bands. This song is from my Jr. High days...and it's one of the very first CDs that I ever owned. It was just "one of those songs" that you will always remember from your childhood. Nothing specifically special about it, but it just kinda takes ya back...