Sunday, June 21, 2009

the old school

This morninng I am prepping my talk for the Sr./Jr. Highers at my church. We are going through a study called Bible Basics. It basically is us retelling old "sunday school" stories, that either we never learned correctly, or just plain forgot about. As I was trying to put my talk together, I had to spend about an hour trying to locate the story I was going to use. How sad is that? Here I am, a teacher of God's Word, and I have to spend that long to find a simple story about Moses? Honestly, I find it pretty ridiculous. So, I am making a new commitment to start studying the Old Testament more in my quiet times.
I think that so often, we as modern day Christians, focus so much on the New Testament that we forget about all of the important things God wants to tell us through the Old one. Just as I flipped through, frantically trying to find more story, I passed so many things that I've always wondered about. Just one more way that the Holy Spirit is trying to convict me.... Just when I start to think I'm getting pretty good at this, I quickly come to realize that I haven't even hit the tip of the iceburg yet.

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