Thursday, March 10, 2011

#18: Luv is a Verb...

Oh man, the memories I have of this song. Junior High camp in the year of 1994, the year that I was introduced to the band called dc Talk. At the time this was the greatest thing I had ever heard in my life. I had never known of this thing called christian music, but I loved it! My affinity for "christian" music has waned over the years, but my love for what dc Talk was doing back in the day hasn't. They were the grandfathers of Christians who are trying to reach culture for the Kingdom of God. I feel like they were the start of driving bands such as Switchfoot, Mute Math, or even Paramore. However, some bands seem to still be stuck in the year 1994 with their approach and message. Love truly is a verb, and at it's core requires us to act! We need to be reaching out to the world around us, spreading love to all who would accept it. We are not called to hold it in for our little subculture, that is countering to Christ and countering to His Great Commission. So, thank you dc Talk. For even at a young age, at a junior high week of camp, you were teaching me about what Love looks like and how it moves.

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